This powerful blend of proprietary ingredients is designed to:
- Break down body fat
- Prevent fat cells from accumulating
- Reduce body fat and cellulite
If you're tired of trying everything to get rid of unwanted fat and cellulite, then you'll be amazed at how women everywhere are discovering just how easy it can be to attack cellulite and melt away unwanted fat with the LavHa Anti-Cellulite System.

I lost over 9 inches off of my waist, hips and glutes. This was such a great motivation for me to feel and look my best each and every day! - Kelly F.
* Results will vary. Results depend on complete use of the Anti Cellulite System, including anti-cellulite eating plan, targeted exercise, and brushing of effected areas.

I lost a few inches from my glutes, hips and waist area, and noticed the biggest change in the texture, look and feel in my abdominal area. I just had a baby and the cream and skin brushing really helped me to get back to an even better pre-pregnancy body! I'm so proud! - Miriam S.

I feel confident and proud to show off my legs and bottom, especially at the beach. This is a great product! - Jeanette S.
Understanding the Real Cause of Cellulite
Did you know that cellulite affects about 90% of American women?
Even skinny women who spend hours at the gym have to worry about cellulite!
Here's why...
Underneath the surface of your skin is a layer of collagen and layer of fat cells. Collagen forms a smooth, protective barrier between your skin and your fat cells.
However, when your collagen is damaged and weakened, fat cells can push through the collagen layer and up into the skin.
This forms a bump in the skin, or what is called cellulite.
Here's the REALLY IMPORTANT thing to remember...
ALL CELLULITE is caused by damage to the collagen between your skin and your fat cells.
Now, your collagen can be easily damaged... which is why 90% of us are struggling with cellulite.
But! Here’s the secret…
When you fix your collagen you can rid your body of cellulite.
AND THE BEST NEWS... the LavHa Anti-Cellulite Cream does this for you.
Why the LavHa Anti-Cellulite System WORKS!

With its proprietary blend of COLLAGEN-RESTORING ingredients like Artichoke Extract, Levan, Caffeoylquinic Acids, Theobromine, and Ylang Ylang Essential Oil...
the LavHa Anti-Cellulite cream is a powerful weapon in getting rid of your cellulite and burning fat in your trouble areas.
That's right.
By simply rubbing a small drop of cream on your problem areas, you can effortlessly TACKLE CELLULITE and BURN FAT.
That means that in addition to smoothing out your cellulite Cellulite... You'll also lose inches.
LavHa's powerful blend of COLLAGEN-RESTORING ingredients designed to to RID CELLULITE and BURN FAT!
Prevents formation of new fat cells
Activates the breakdown of fat
Stimulates decomposition of fat
Reduces the storage of fat
Firms the skin
Stimulates microcirculation

I didn't miss a day. It was a great daily routine that included self care which was nice to remind myself to do." (Loss 5 inches in glutes and hip area) - Elsa S.
* Results will vary. Results depend on complete use of the Anti Cellulite System, including anti-cellulite eating plan, targeted exercise, and brushing of effected areas.

The cream smells so good and this program is portable, which is one of the best things! I can skin brush and use cellulite cream anywhere." (Lost a total of 6 inches from waist and hips) - Juliet W.

I loved the lotion feel and smell. It was really calming and doesn't leave any residue, either. I lost over 3 inches over all. It's a great feeling! - Amy C.