Quartz - Rutilated (rutile)
Rutilated quartz is a form of clear quartz that is characterized by the presence of “needles” or strands of rutile within the structure of the quartz crystal. Rutilated quartz is unique because instead of red or black inclusions, in quartz the rutile inclusions are a beautiful, translucent, golden-yellow color. Also known as the "Venus Hair Stone".
When a stone contains two or more crystals, it means that it has the power of both of those stones, and additional power to promote harmony, since the stone, by its very nature, must create harmony between the two stones that work within it.
Rutilated quartz is believes to bring forth one's personal strengths, empowers authenticity, and helps one to connect to others. It is also believed to relieve feelings of loneliness and depression. Rutile is powerful for improving awareness of the world, while clear quartz brings positive energy.