Sacred Seven
Sacred Seven- Also known as Super Seven or Melody Stone is a quartz stone that contains seven minerals; amethyst, goethite, cacoxenite, rutile, lepidocrocite, clear quartz and smoky quartz and was first discovered in Espiritu Santo, Brazil. Although it’s uncommon to have all these minerals in a single piece, more mines in Brazil are discovering the Melody Stone.
Amethyst- Amethyst is a very protective stone and safeguards you from negative energies in one's environment. It helps with intuition and creativity as well as allowing thoughts and ideas flow.
Clear Quartz Crystal - Amplifies the energy of any other stone that you use with it. Quartz can help manifest your intentions, brings clarity and positive energy.
Smoky Quartz - is great for centering and grounding your energy. This stone is also used for protection, stress reduction, mental clarity and memory.
Cacoxenite- Brings spiritual enlightenment, gives you peace of mind, opens your mind to new concepts, and enjoying learning.
Goethite- Helps you to release emotional blockages and past conflicts. It also enhances intuition and creativity.
Lepidocrocite - Commonly occurs as an inclusion in quartz, it is a very soothing, uplifting and very joyful stone.
Rutiles- are red, gold or silver in color. Rutiles give strength, vitality, and positive energy. They help alleviate depression & increase self esteem and energy.
Super seven crystals give access to the unconscious mind to re-remember what your current role is and how you can survive with highest degree. These crystals connect your with your true self and to recognize what factors that are currently holding you back for your life purpose. They also stimulate the soul to its divine brilliance, and assist with transformation and expansion. It will guide you in finding solutions to your problems and give you the strength to cope with different challenging situations in your life.