From the majestic mountain ranges to the great water-carved canyons, our Earth is adorned with colorful rocks, light capturing crystals, energy giving gems and healing stones. For thousands of years, these natural Earth elements have been used as decorations, therapeutic tools and natural medicinal fundamentals. Even the Egyptians Pharaohs were buried with an abundance of these precious stones, crystals and gems, not only for protection, but for a promising afterlife. There is no doubt that across all cultures, and into the modern era, healing stones were used and kept around. This is because different stones hold different healing qualities and energetic frequencies. Just by wearing them, or holding one in the hand can help align, calm, uplift or relive the wearer from pain. Stones, made from the Earth, has grounding and protective qualities. They can help the wearer gain mental insight, cultivate abundance, love, and gratitude, and keep the heart full and open. Keeping with the natural rhythms of your everyday and staying in tune with the environment, healing stones, gems and crystals are a fundamental accessory to optimal health and wellbeing.


Unakite is also called Epidote, from the Greek epidosis meaning “growing together.” Unakite is a combination of Red Jasper, pink Feldspar and green Epidote. All of these stones together symbolize “what comes together belongs together" supporting strong and harmonious relationships including love, compassion, and kindness. It promotes patience and persistence and supports anyone feeling lost, overwhelmed, or has trouble focusing on the here and now. It is a stone for healing and renewal balances the emotions.


Riverstone’s energy accelerates change. It energizes your aura, speeding the resolution of any internal and external processes you are experiencing. Riverstone helps you move more swiftly through the changes associated with a particular process, such as a therapy or cleansing. When used as an adjunct to meditation, Riverstone energizes your whole being and helps you make the changes that lead to greater spiritual experiences. River Stone is known to hold powerful energy, providing the wearer with protection. River Stone is a quick working stone great for dealing with change and enabling a balanced approach. River Stone also works best with other gemstones to promote their healing qualities.


Onyx is an excellent stone for releasing any negative emotions or stress, such as sorrow and grief, and brings good fortune while helping the wearer recognize personal strengths. This black colored stone helps in relaxation, and in facing various challenges in life, especially if one suffers from a lack of life energy and exhaustion. This is a great stone for balancing the malakudra or root/base energy flow (chakra).

Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper encourages ecological awareness, bringing stability and balance.  It contains a message and/or “picture” from the past.  Picture Jasper is a stone of proportion and harmony and stimulates creative visualization.  It helps to bring hidden thoughts and feelings – grief’s, fears, guilt, envy, love, hope – to the surface, to be released.  Brings comfort and alleviates fear. It’s is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. It is said to promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet, encouraging a need to care for and protect it. Picture Jasper’s grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going.

Imperial Jasper

Imperial Jasper is said to enable you to withstand heavy negativity. It is also believed to stabilize emotions, provide protection and reduce fears and insecurities.  It reminds us that the only conflict that exists between our bodies and spirits is our belief that one exists.

Black Veined Jasper

Black Veined Jasper is also known as “Spider Web Jasper” and sometimes called “Zebra Stone”, because of its web-like or striped markings.  It is grounding and stabilizing stone. It helps to positively balance apparently disparate energies of many kinds: yin/yang, work/play, self/others,/ free-spirited/responsibility, creativity/practice, inspiration/research, intuition/knowledge, etc. It also allows one to see both sides of a situation.


This majestic stone ranges in color from deep purple to pale lavender, depending on the presence of manganese and iron. Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one’s intelligence. Cross-culturally, this gemstone is used as a symbol of peace and unification. It is also thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness.

Amethyst is also called the "Sobriety Stone". Not only is it believed to help with physical addictions, but mental ones as well. Sometimes we get obsessed with thoughts or ideas and our inner dialogue becomes a huge distraction filled with negative thoughts. Amethyst quiets the mind allowing ideas to flow and not get stuck in one thought pattern. Being associated with the crown chakra, It increases wisdom, intellect, intuition and clarity. 


Amber is a 50 million-year-old fossilized tree sap (resin) from prehistoric pine forests. Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release it. It’s bright, soothing energy helps to calm nerves and enliven disposition. Amber is a stone for healing and warmth. It is excellent for people who find themselves depressed in the cold winter months. It is also a stone of personal power and increases self-confidence.


Agate gets it’s name from the place where it was first located in ancient Sicily. The philosopher Theophrastus found an agate stone when walking along the shore of the river Achates. There are many types and colors of agate and each has unique metaphysical properties. Agates are considered stones of strength and grounding. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing Yin and Yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe. It has a calming effect and helps heal the heart of past wounds while providing courage to try again. Agate facilitates acceptance of one’s self and encourages quiet contemplation of life’s experiences leading to spiritual growth and inner strength. All Agate's foster love, create an appreciation for nature and soothe emotions.


Lava is a stone of strength and courage. It allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their life. Lava stone is, in essence, the solid form of fire. It is, therefore, a stone that is associated with the Phoenix and rebirth. Since the stone is the result of almost violent natural events, it is considered a strong stone and one that assists the wearer to succeed in desperate circumstances. As it comes from and is of the earth, lava stone is reputed to assist the wearer to be more in tune with Mother Earth. As these stones also contain the powerful energy of the volcano that created them, this means that they are excellent to aid healing… especially when you are feeling depressed or lacking energy and vitality.


Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success, good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection, particular protection from greed. It also is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings in spiritual love and peace. Topaz is a soothing, empathetic stone that will direct energy to the place it is most needed. It heals and energizes. Topaz is a promoter of truth and forgiveness. Use it to find your own path.

Sources: International Gem Society,,,, Jewelry-Art,

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